Post-It Notes Rules
Post-It Notes do not represent LVEB’s viewpoint. Post-It Notes cannot be modified in any way by our Staff members (unless it doesn’t adhere to the Post-It Note rules). A post with a Post-It Note will not be removed by our Staff unless if it breaks the Community Guidelines.
- General rule of thumb. No misinformation.
- Do not deny that something exists (e.g. “covid isn’t real”).
- Do not claim speculation or an opinion. For example, “9/11 was an inside job”.
- No opinions/speculation is allowed. Facts only. Please leave a message inside the thread if it contains opinions or speculation.
- No biased language. For example, “[Murderer] is a nice person because they gave me $20”
- Use reliable sources (like Wikipedia). No untrustworthy sources. No sources that date around 15-30 years ago. You must also leave a source while leaving a Post-It Note.
- Don’t misuse Post-It Notes as message threads. For example, Post-It Noting a post and leaving “bro its ok” or “wtf”. Please leave a Post-It Note stating facts and why you believe the post was misinforming users.
- All Community Guidelines still apply to Post-It Notes.
Failure to abide by the Post-It Note rules and/or the Community Guidelines will result in removal from being a Contributor and/or termination.